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R2-D2… May the Force Be with Him.


R2-D2, Force Master Theory

R2-D2Mandalorian has a persistent theory that R2-D2 can wield the Force. He attributes this ability based on Artoos behavior thru-out the saga. I’ve spoken with him about it several times and with others. I personally disagree and there is one simple reason why. I’ll get to that later. So.. Most of the people that I’ve spoken to about it have given me examples of how R2 CAN use the Force. Following are some of them that I can remember…

Episode I: Phantom Menace

* When R2-D2 is introduced, he and a bunch of droids go up to fix Amadala’s ship. Every one of them gets blasted, except R2. The suggestion was that R2 does a Force-absorb on the blasts. Sort of like Vader does on Cloud City. And it is this absorb that saves him.

Episode II: Attack of the Clones

* Without having seen her, R2-D2 KNOWS that Padme is in trouble. Well.. Ok.. That’s not a hard one. She IS Padme and they ARE in the enemy fortress. But  not only knows THAT she is in trouble, he knows exactly WHERE she is and exactly HOW to save her and exactly HOW LONG he has to do the said saving. C-3PO can’t even get over the fear of this horrid place, but R2 just knows all this stuff?

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Insufficient Data!

Episode IV: A New Hope

* Mandalorian suggests that when the gunner sees the pod and starts to destroy it, that it is R2-D2 that does a “remote” Jedi Mind trick on him and makes him stop long enough to detect no life-forms.
* When the R4 unit and C-3PO are being purchased by Uncle Owen, R2 and 3PO are giving each other “see-ya” look. Just then, the R4 unit blows a motivator. Was it a piece of junk? Or did the Force blow it so that R2 and 3PO could stay together (or R2 could get free as soon as possible so he could complete his mission… Whichever).

Episode V: Empire Strikes Back

* The failure at the cave. When Luke cuts off the head of the self-Vader figment of his imagination, it immediately cuts to a scene of Yoda and R2-D2 sitting round. Yoda at about the same time, Yoda lowers his head (in disgust?) and R2 makes a chirping sound that goes from high to low. Sort of a disappointment sound of his own. Now… Neither of them can see Luke. He’s in the cave. But Yoda can tell he failed because he can feel it thru the Force. How the hell does R2 know? Yoda’s reaction wasn’t enough to tip R2 off. The same way as Yoda?

Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

Damn.. I can’t think of anything specific that R2-D2 did in Jedi. I’ll have to go back and watch it again…

So.. Why do I personally think this is all wrong? One word. Midichlorians. If you accept everything from the movies as the “real story”, then it is explained that midis exist at a cellular level and it is those that give the Jedi his ability to communicate with the Force. R2-D2 is a droid. Where does he get midis? Unless he is a General Grevious-type construct, he wouldn’t have them. And as little as he is, he’d have to have a HUGE midi count to be that in touch with the Force. And, as I have mentioned, I’m only going by the evidence that was filmed and delivered to us. And there is NEVER a reference in any of the movies that there might be some biological stored inside that little Astromech Droid.

I am holding out hope that this question might be addresses in the upcoming Star Wars: Episode VII.

What do you think? Post a comment or email me.

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